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"The Adventures of Yunga Neko" by Dora-chan
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Name: Yunga Neko
Age: 16
Year: Sophomore
Likes: Fish, British Comedy, Whose Line is it Anyway?, Art, Books, "Bad" 80's Music
Dislikes: Bullies, Math, Carrots, Pork, Britney Spears
Family: Mother
Friends: Preno Katze
History: Yunga transferred into Gakuen Elementary in the third grade, where he met his best friend and fellow catboy, Preno Katze. Since then, he and Preno have been really good friends and have stuck together as the only two catboys in the school district. He never really knew his father; his mother tells him that he was killed shortly after his second birthday.
Name: Preno Katze
Age: 16
Year: Sophomore
Likes: Fish, Anime, Christian, Reading, Writing, Christian, Math, Softball, Christian
Dislikes: Racists, *NSync, 98 Degrees, Crunchy Green Vegetables, History
Family: Mother and Father
Friends: Yunga Neko, Christian Lowe
History: Preno has lived in the same house all of his life. In third grade, he met his best friend, and the only other catboy in the school district, Yunga Neko. His mother is a forest spirit who settled down on the very edge of the suburbs, though she will occasionally go to stay in the forest on odd weekends, leaving Preno and his father to fend for themselves.
Name: Christian Lowe
Age: 17
Year: Junior
Likes: Debates, Biology, Physics, Books, Computers, Bready Foods, Preno's Tail
Dislikes: Meat, Chemistry, Spiders, Heights
Family: Mother, Father, and Middle-school-aged Sister
Friends: Alex Winner, Michi Alexander, Preno Katze
History: Christian is the captain of the debate team and very well-known for his expertise in biology and physics. He is a very quiet individual and easily embarassed... Except when behind a podium. He's very eloquent and soft-spoken. In the five years he has been in town, though, he has made few good friends.
Name: Cora Primé
Age: 14
Year: Freshman
Likes: Cora likes things? Well, mebbe Yunga. Maybe.
Dislikes: Just about anything and anybody.
Family: Mother and Father
Friends: Cora has frineds? Well, okay, Yunga Neko (?) and Leyla (?)
History: Cora isn't a social individual. She just moved into the school district at the beginning of the year, and quickly established herself as the Top Dog (TM) at Gakuen Academy. Even the buffest, baddest Varsity football players give her wide berth.
Name: Alex Winner
Age: 17
Year: Junior
Likes: Debates, Michi, Chrissy, Athletics, Violin, Flute
Dislikes: Heavy Metal, Sweets, When Guys Oggle Michi
Family: Father and Father (??)
Friends: Michi Alexander (*heart*) and Christian Lowe
History: Alex was one of the first people Christian met, and has been one of his best friends. Alex met Michi when they were freshmen, and has been hopelessly head-over-heels for her ever since, often getting very posessive of her and glaring at anyone who looks at her wrong. Alex's home situation is a little odd, given that the household has no female parent. The Misters Winner adopted Alex at a young age and have raised Alex together as two fathers.
More as I get off my butt and draw the profile images...
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