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"The Adventures of Yunga Neko" by Dora-chan
About the strip and author | Cast information | The Ledger (log of previous comments) | The Message Board | Links Yunga Likes
29.3.2K2 -- Wow. I've been away a while. Blame it on an overloaded course schedule. Now that the year's almost through, though, I'm gonna be putting down all the ideas I've had.
9.5.2K1 -- Today marks the first strip in the Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule! ^n.n^ Enjoy!
7.5.2K1 -- Um... Yes, I bet you thought I was dead, didn't you? ^n.n^;;; Well, I've been working on it, yes, but thankfully I have yet to succeed. Instead, I have grappled with artist/writer's block, beaten it back, gotten bodyslammed by it, and now I have kicked its butt out of the ring. ^n.n^
The format of this strip has changed massively, and it will now be updating on a Monday-Wednesday-Friday basis (starting next week). This is actually to your (the reader's) advantage because the strip is now double-sized, not to mention more detailed. So it's like six of the regular strips! ^n.n^ Also, I updated the links section MASSIVELY and added linking buttons! (Not to mention noticing that I had placed the wrong surname with the wrong kyara on the profiles page! ^O.O^;; We aren't going to know about that character for a while yet...)
5.8.2K1 -- Sorry for the extended silence. Keenspace FTP has giving me a lot of trouble, and finals are fast approaching. Updated the kyara profiles massively. New strips next week, if all goes well. *crosses fingers*
4.14.2K1 -- Yeah, it's a Saturday. I'm trying to spiff up the page a bit, adding a couple of things, etc. ^n.n^;
4.6.2K1 -- And the final guest strip this week is courtesy Firefly-chan! I think it's absolutely adorable, and, truth be told, I'm willing to bet that is what goes on at bathtime. ^n.n^;;
Preno: Hey! =-.-=;
4.4.2K1 -- The next two panels are courtesy my beloved Niichan, Meg-chan! ^n.n^
4.3.2K1 -- I am filling in for a day with a strip of my own until I can get the next load of strips (I was gone for the weekend and so I didn't get the chance to get them.) The translations for the labels (in order of appearance) are as follows: "Dora," "Dora's Mom," and "Sam's *strikeout*Dad*/strikeout* sire." I was working off a lot of steam with this one. ^n.n^;;
3.16.2K1 -- Okay, I finally got all my strips squared away. And guest week has changed to the first week in April and will start with Alex-chan's strip. ^n.n^ Ah well. Till then, enjoy a non-stop 7-days-a-week flow of hand-drawn Yunga Neko goodness. ^n.-^
3.14.2K1 -- I'm not dead. I'm just busy busy busy with lots of things. I have one guest strip ready, and I'm nearly ready to scan in all the other ones I've prepared... Please contact me if you're interested in doing a guest strip. ^n.n^;
3.4.2K1 -- Wai! It's my birthday, and I just couldn't let it go by without putting something up. I hope all you Whosers have a laugh. ^n.n^
One week in March will be a guest week while I prepare some new strips, so if you guys want to contribute some guest interludes or AU strips, please drop me a line. ^n.n^
2.11.2K1 -- Sigh. Due to some real life problems (such as helping someone move for the rest of the month), I'm probably not going to be able to update this site for a while. ^;.;^
2.5.2K1 -- Wow! Yunga and Preno aren't in their school uniforms! *gasp* I was debating whether or not to put them in something different, and I decided that since it was the weekend and all, I'd go ahead and change their clothes.
In other news, I updated the links page with several more links that I've been meaning to put there. Check them all out; I highly recommend them! ^n.n^
2.2.2K1 -- Aaah, the obligitory phone conversation. ^n.n^
2.1.2K1 -- Yes, that woman is Yunga's mother. I rather like her. She cares enough to ask how her son's day is, then listens to him when he tells her. ^n.n^
1.31.2K1 -- Sorry for the wait! Only three this week, but hopefully I'll be able to get next week all drawn up in advance to keep this from happening. ^n.n^;; A little hint to all of you out there: Yunga's parentage will become a big part of the story later. ^n.n^
1.22.2K1 -- I had fun with this week, but this strip was probably the hardest of them. ^n.n^;
1.19.2K1 -- Just some random art for filler. Whatcha think? ^n.n^
1.17.2K1 -- This was done at Hitomi-chan's request (she wanted to appear in an interlude). I like it. ^n.n^
1.15.2K1 -- I couldn't help myself. The picture in the first panel is something that I took at Disney of the back of Sam's head, then played around with. I found it entirely too amusing not to share, so here we are. You Three O'Clock readers should get this, as well as those of you who read my blog. ^n.n^
1.12.2K1 -- Wow. I've been away for a while. Unfortunately, I got myself into a bit of trouble and a lot of my online pursuits had to be ignored until now. I've got one new strip done, but I'm loathe to put it up without having the rest of that week finished. Meanwhile, I'm working on the skeleton of the new layout, including an honest-to-goodness links page, an archive page (maybe), and the frame for a cast page. Hopefully all will be up and running again by the end of this coming week. ^n.n^;
12.19.2K -- This actually happened to me; I fell asleep in history class and was woken up just in time to hear my teacher say, "Holy Roman Emperor!" I know the Holy Roman Emperor really has nothing to do with the Roman Empire, but I thought it was cute at the time. ^n.n^;; Yes, parts of this strip will reflect my day to day life. Deal. ^n.n^;
12.18.2K -- This one is corny, I know. Deal with it. ^n.n^;
12.16.2K -- Sorry for the lack of comments yesterday. I forgot. ^n.n^;; Ah well, this one is another single panel one. Sorry, dudes. ^n.n^;;
12.14.2K -- As finals approach I find less and less drive to fix up this page. ^n.n^;;; Ah well, I think I'll do it this weekend whether I want to or not. I really wanna show off the portraits I've done of some of the kyara. ^n.n^ Anyway, about the strip, I thought it was rather cute the conclusion Yunga would arrive it. So there ya have it. ^n.n^
12.13.2K -- Yeah, I know it's only one panel, sue me. :P I like it, though. I think Christian's cute, don't you? I also like Preno's tail. ^n.n^ Ah well. Science project has been turned in, so now I should have a little more time to fix up this page over the next few days. ^n.n^
12.12.2K -- I haven't much to say about this strip except that I was experimenting with a different way to colour the strip. This is the method I use for each subsequent strip, except for the occasional Interlude (sort of like the Meanwhiles from JtHM, it's a litte strip about the people I know). ^n.n^
12.11.2K -- Hee hee. I like Preno's backstory. I also have a large fondness for Christian. See, he and Preno weren't originally meant for this comic. They were in fact part of a story that died a long time ago. But I liked them so much I decided to give them a second chance. ^n.n^
12.10.2K -- Okay, yes, there was a strip today mainly because I had intended this strip to start on a Monday, and it just didn't work out that way. So I'm also going to be putting up a strip on Saturday so everything's even. ^n.n^; I'm rather happy, too, as I managed to finish two other strips today, which shall be appearing soon. ^n.n^ I'll probably put up character (kyara) profiles sometime after finals are done, as well as some miscellaneous art and maybe a real links page. Sound nice? ^n.n^
12.8.2K -- I'm sorry I didn't post a message here for the first or second strips, but I was rather busy with school and stuff. (Yes, I'm in the same grade as Yunga himself, but not going to Gakuen Academy, sadly...) I know this strip isn't really the most well-drawn in the world, but it's something I do for fun in about ten minutes. ^n.n^;;; Ah well. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. ^n.n^
Visit my site: dora's den!
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